After 7 years since the Kamaels were introduced to Lineage 2, now in 2013 a new race was introduced the Ertheia.
They are Half Elves and Half Orcs, in game you can only chose Female Characters for now at least, wich are reminiscent of melee orc fighters but also haveing some impressive attack magic.
Also 2 new stats have been introduced , Luck And Charm wich will influence aspects of the game in a different manner then before
These are the new Lindvior CT3 Lineage 2 skills beeing added, also here you`ll find the skill changes and class changes.
Awakening system changed,you may be awakening to a new class, a total of 34 classes added!
Practically, your awakened class can specialize to one of the old classes, for ex Othel Rogue can be Othel Rogue WIND RIDER , TYr Warrior - TYr Warrior Duelist and so on. Practically they reverted the system in a messed up way.
These are the newest addition of Lineage 2 weapons: the dragon weapons. Antharas, Valakas and Lindvior weapons. They have crazy stats, and can get special abilities.
This is the new update of LineageII after Glory Days, Called simply CHaotic Throne 3 Lindvior
1 3rd job can be a new awakening to the former class, already awakening awakening class specific with the giants, and the power of God for the
existing eight Awakening classes 34 pieces are broken down.
Characters in the tomb of the soul 'Hardin' can be changed through a new awakening to the class.
2 New hunting ground
- 99 levels of new hunting ground, the land of chaos, with the crossroads of predators village of Carnac Guy are featured
- the land of chaos: Mall and magical party hunting ground
- the crossroads of predators: w
The quest to awaken a new upper class refers to the former, manifested through an existing 35-class will be changed to 8 classes. To continue to awaken to the first three completed the first job should be to achieve level 85 character. After 85 levels over the fate over to continue the quest, the quest received the power to the giant will awaken.
3rd 8 depending on the nature of the former class to one of the designated class are awakening. For example, the party was in charge of the tanker Hell Knight through practical Siegel Knight Templar quest to awaken the awareness will be. Awareness of the players completing the quest if yo
Lots of new trailers were added, we bring to you a new 20 minutes duration video trailer from the gameplay of Lineage 2 Godess of Destrction along with the newest CGI Trailer of the game and lots of small classes trailer. ENjoy!
Godess of Destruction 20 minutes GAMEPLAY TRAYLER
Here is the translated patch note of Godess of Destruction can be read below (it s a translation, and it s far from a good one). THE Public test server wich will start 30 march 2011 in Korea.
1. It seems not very adequate for the day of NC, like East West, missing missing, the venue also has problems, participants complained about
2. Development team said that at present still trying to balance ...
In Goddes of Destruction, it seams that all the 32 classes were merge
into 8 specific classes. Read below :
the new project based on the interview the producers of the Lineage II had couple of days ago is that 35 classes will now be merged down to 8 classes.
The concept is, after reaching lv.85, you get an opportunity to get the power of one of the 8 great ancient giants to fight against the GoD based on your class tree, different warriors are now going to be one warrior, and different rogues are now going to be one rogue and so forth.
What you must understand is though, even though the classes are reduced and all same class...
In the pictures below, you will see the new armors and weapons of the next expansion, Godess of Destruction. Some classes like Rogue, are able to use crossbows, you can see the new interface control for summoners, new magic animation, new skills interface and more
01/28/2010 NCSOFT Korean shared with the public plans for the update.
City of Aden in Lineage 2 Godess of Destruction (animated image)
Below is a brief preliminary information about the update: Here is a brief preliminary information about the update:
1.First update:
- Update is scheduled for installation on PTS in March 2011. It is planned to hold a series of events and activities related to running the upgrade is planned to hold a series of events and activities related to running the upgrade
2.Second update:
2.1.Awakening system
- The player to reach level 85 will get 4 profession through a special quest that the complexity of the
At NCsoft's G*Star 2010 press conference, the official trailer forLineage
2's next expansion, Goddess of Destruction, was revealed for the very first time. We got lots of new info, mostly new trailers, showing off the classes skills, new hairstyles, animations and show on, see them below! Also, you ll be surprised to see new mounts, wich are really awsome at first glance! Level limit was raised to 99, as seen on the image below.
At NCsoft's G*Star 2010 press conference, the official trailer for Lineage 2's next expansion, Goddess of Destruction, was revealed for the very first time. Seams everything was changed at the core of the game, except the familiarbattlegrounds and characters wich vaguely reminds us of what Lineage 2 was used to be... According to NCsoft's spokesperson, the very core systems, including combat, professions etc will be revised in this new expansion. More new changes and updates will be revealed very soon. A total of 20 demo booths will be available for attendees to try the new expansion out.
Hierophant lv 80 learn skills: Penetration Attack :Reduces with a certain probability the resistance of the target against normal, non-skill physical attacks by 23%
Spectral dancer lv 60 learn skills: Motion of Defense : defense/evasion /spell res
It seams NCSoft is planning to renew the graphics of Lineage 2 possible at the arrival of Chaotic Throne 3. A small video was leaked and your are welcomed to take a sneak peak at it (video on the right side window) .
Also check the images below, if it is really an upcoming graphic retouching, it is looking very promising.
It seams finally Hero weapons will become at least usefull again. They added an update of the existing basic skills of the Infinity series, the effect of the various options, the attribute of the weapons has the value of 250 and corresponds to the divine type attributes , beeing granted by default. But the changes don`t stop here, see below:
Infinity Stinger
Infinity Stinger:Increases Max MP, Max CP, Atk. Spd., MP regen rate, and the success rate of Mortal and Deadly Blow from the back of the target. Silences the target when a critical attack occurs and has Vampiric Rage effect.Added Holy damage.Enhances damage to target during PvP.
There seam to have been new skill updates for Freya HIGH FIVE ( do not confuse Freya with HIGH FIVE, HIgh Five is like Freya+) update lately. These are even more the skills added/changed: *Note: some skill explanations are translations.
Bounty hunter/Fortuner seeker
Aura Blast
Level 81
Consumption MP:145
Inflicts non-attribute damage on the target and the enemies around it using 141 Power added to M.Atk and restores MP. Adds 58 power in PvE .
There seam to have been new skill updates for Freya update lately. These are the skills added/changed: Bounty hunter/Fortuner seeker
Crushing Strike:
Learn lv 40
Consumption MP:83
Added to the 5704 attack the enemy with the force of the impact toughness of the target by applying 3 seconds, the 10% reduces magic resistance. Sword / blunt weapon equipment available. Over-Hit
Shield Strike
Level 40
25 levels, the strength of the skill goes from 833 to 4640. Paladins, Dark Avengers, Temple Knights, Shillien Knights
Level 25: Uses a shield to strike the target with 4640 Power added to P.Atk. Requires a shield.
Seams the dwarves of lineage 2 were busy,preparing us, lineage 2 players, a nice or rather funny surprise, a Jet Bike. Allthough it might seam exagerated, i might add that it`s not the case. The design of the jet bike is really exquisite (chopper like) as you can see in the image. You can try it on
With the Freya update of Lineage 2, we are introduced to new armor sets named: Destiny, Eligy , Bofess and Elegia . Also new Weapons were introduce, as well new accesories / jewels. Read more about these as follows.
Heavy Armor Destiny (craftable)
Physical Attack +4.26%, Attack Speed +4% protection against attack magic +2%, resistance to Stun +50% +2% magic protection, protection from fire / water / wind / earth +3, allows to wear the mantle . STR +2, CON -2. Some of the values on the screenshot are outdated.
Wondering what the next update will be in the Lineage 2 saga after Gracia Epilogue? Seams that the new update will possibly be named "Freya" and will feature some pretty interesting things.
It is planned to introduce Armor Augmentation, with different properties bestowed on Armor of different Grades
- Setting up Private Stores within a certain distance of NPCs will be prohibited to ensure access to those NPCs for everybody
- Recipes for basic materials (Cokes, Varnish of Purity ...) will be easier to get (via quests?)
- The Gracia Survivors' teleportation fees will be lowered
- Creating Cloaks for A- and S-Grade Armor is under consideration
- The Seeds on Gracia will be converted to instances during occupation too, and there will be more ways to get Attribute Crystals
- Sonic Rage will be modified so that it can be charged up to stage 8.
- The Frintezza raid will be converted to an instance.- Three new varieties of 80+ armor and weapons will be added. It is not yet clear at which precise level they can be used.
These are the first korean Patch Notes for the newest update for Lineage 2: Gracia Plus.
Mailing service
Now you can send items to your friends through this mailing system.There are 2 types of mails you can send.
1. Sends mail along with items, receiver
Seams NCSoft Decided to remade some low level low populated areas , and populate them with high level mobs, for easier leveling.
Field of Silence and Field of Whispers
An open hunting ground suited for lvl 82+ nukers to solo.
This is now the highest level hunting ground for nukers, similar to Island Of Prayer. Hunting swamp creatures from a primeval age will provide you with tingling excitement and make you much stronger in the process.
Giants' Caves A dungeon-type huntingground suited for lvl 80+ melee groups
To the Giants' Caves of old a system of inte...
This is a video guide and walkthrough of the Dark Cloud Mansion Instance, required to be completed in order to advance further in the quest of getting acces to Hellbound itself. You can download it or stream it online, it has 6minutes with on screen display indications about the riddles and the required actions.
These are the stats of the S84 armor sets. There are only small differences between the normal and noble sets, besides the ability to wear the cape. Below, you will see both of the s84 vesper set types bonuses and armor stas.
S84 Vesper Heavy Set
Vespe Breastplate S84
Upper Body P.Def.: 250 Weight: 7520
These is a very usefull raid boss map, wich displays all the raids, according to their level, and on mouse over displays them with an image, and the drops they have. The map is the one from interlude, but it`s accurate even in later chronicles, all the raid bosses from the map are correctly displayed, and their locations are accurate, and so is their drop rate
In 2007 the Lineage 2 Team left because of a management issue of NcSoft and formed a company of their own, called BlueHall. They were working on the Lineage 3 Project when a key figure of their team was fired, and they all decided to leave.
After forming their own company they started materialising their efforts in a project called Project S1 wich later became TERRA: The Exiled Realm of Arborea, just the same MMORPG genre as Lineage 2 was and the similiraties are striking. Since they worked on Lineage 2 and the next Lineage 3 wich first was scheduled to make it s debute in 2009, this game of theirs, wich is very similar in terms of concept art to Lineage 2 (just see the city in the trailer wich is almost a copy of Rune) , can be considered a "what Lineage 3" would have been.
During last weeks Hangame Invitational 2009 Bluehole Studio unveiled a first trailer. The game is build on the Unreal 3 Engine and first beta testing is expected in late 2009 / early 2010.
Any Character level 40 and above with a finished 2nd class change can aquire Personal Reputation Points. Those can be obtained through Fortress Sieges, Castle Sieges, Clan Hall Battles, the Underground Arena on Fantasy Island, winning the Festival of Darkness and Noblesse Gate Passes from the Olympiad. These Personal Fame Points can be used to enhance Armor and Weapons with a special PVP Bonus.
With Gracia Final, S84 armors, wich can be normal or "noble" kind, were introduced to Lineage 2. Enjoy these brand new ScreenshotsGallery and read about the first translated armor stats and bonuses they give. The second kind, permits Capes to be weared. Seams the design team of Lineage 2 chose detail over originilaty, since the armors give a feeling of a chaotic design and take a different approach that the original S Grades clean cut and "story" behind the armor gave.
How to transform:
Pick up the relevant quest (you can find the quest at the QUESTS SECTION of this website) from Engineer Rekon at the base of the Chrysalis Alliance, located in the south-east of the newly added territory.
Upon completing the quest you will receive either an Aurabird Transformation Spellbook - Falcon or an Aurabird Transformation Spellbook - Owl.
Aerial Transformations work only on the continent of Gracia. Players must use or cancel a transform...
You can view all the new hair accesories and all the weapons of Gracia Part 3 in these 2 nice little videos. The videos are hosted on YouTube but there is a "watch in high resolution option" to them, which makes them look crystal clear.
•Einhasads Unspoken Word (83) - alliance salvation rez basically - will not restore noblesse salvation soul phoenix - chance in self death on cast to bp
Evas Saint
• Submission of Eva (83) - aoe current clip 500 - drains enemy mp to your alliance ....
The Final Chapter of the Gracia Saga of Lineage 2 unfolds and brings amazing new content. Read below:
84-grade for new armors.
Element attribute on Weapons got raised to 300.
Element attribute on Armor got raised to 600.
Changes to Fortress and Castle Dungeons.
Gracia got added west of Gludin. Player must be 75+ to enter. Can obtain S82/S84 armor and weapon parts here thru quests. There is also a 45 player Instance
New Pets, Dual Daggers, Air Combat, Dragons, Epic Raids, Capes, New Weapons and much much more in this amazing final part of Gracia Saga. Be sure not to miss visiting the official preview site, click here.
Be sure to watch the videos with the new features, below.
Finally we have much more detailed info about the final part of the Gracia update. Even more, now
You can watch Gracia Part 3 Final video trailers about:
The New Continent, Airships, New Weapons, Armors & Capes, Territorial Wars, New Skills, Air Combat & Dragons , New Epic Boss, New Mobs, The New Paid Content System, Fantasy Island novelties, Mage shields
Gracia part 2 will be realeased, as reliable sources say , will be released on october 28th, and some an extended list of Changes to the Update notes has been released. A system that adds bonus experience was added depending on the vitality level of the character.
Vitality points are collected under the following conditions: A player has not logged in for a peroid of time, a player is sitting in a peace zone for ane xtended peroid, a player is participating in siege or raid.
Vitality points are transferred to subclasses when a character change occurs...
Flying ships, capes, mass racial wars are just some of the things the new chapter in the Gracia saga will bring to the univers of Lineage 2. Players have been waiting for the introduction of capes since early chronicles, and now it seams that they will be the measure of a new status in game, the Kamael race will have unique capes designed specially for this race, beeing the bearers of wings. You will be able to manually control a Flying ship...
As unbelievable as it sounds, the Lineage 2 Universe will receive mountable horses, new interesting summons and even some funny accesories. The catch is, this will be available only for those who pay, beeing part of NCSOFT`s new customer service, Paid COntent.
Yellow: 7 days gametime - 9900 won Green: 100 hours of play time for 30 days + 5 paid ingame contents - 29700 won Blue: 300 hours of play time for 30 days + 3 paid ingame contents - 29700 won
Orange: 30 days gametime + 1 paid ingame content - 29700 won
Purple: 90 days gametime - 70400 won
Paid Contents are certain items and a few character services like:
Cat Hat, Skull Cap, mountable Horse, a new flying pet, 3 new supporting pets (Fighter, Healer, Supporter), ......
Paid Contents are certain items and a few character services like:
Cat Hat, Skull Cap, mountable Horse, a new flying pet, 3 new supporting pets (Fighter, Healer, Supporter), ingame Spectator mode (prolly only gonne be used in asian inet-cafes), teleportation to special locations, colored character names, blessed resurrection.
Changes to the Instance Dungeons
Instant Dungeon 1 - Kamaloka
- Registration to enter the instance is once per day.
- Registration period resets daily at 6:30am server (not ingame) time.
- max players per party changed to 2-9 players.
The Second THrone, Gracia will introduce a new reputation system wich is more the interesting.
You can earn points by fighting in the underground coliseum, participating in sieges (castle and fortress sieges) to buy special PvP abilities for your weapon or to decrease your PK count.
It seams there will be special PVP armors and weapons that you can buy with these reputations points. These special PVP items will have special properties, like resistances and special powers. See bellow a part-translated text that might help you understand better. Read on...
Curious about the New S80 Icarus Weapons Statistics?
I know i was, these are the top grade S 80 weapons.
All the pictures are in korean, but you can easily see the weapons stats, numbers and deduct for yourself just how awsome these new class of weapons are. And what it takes to get them, well, that`s another story.
Here`s a High resolution picture of the login screen of the newest addon of Lineage 2, the first of the three chronicles in The Second Throne Saga, Gracia I.
You can easily see the flying ships in the picture, it will be an amasing experience even to get to the new continent, one can only imagine the adventure that awaits him.
[Vitality system] • A system that adds bonus experience was added depending on the vitality level of the character.
• Vitality points are collected under the following conditions: A player has not logged in for a peroid of time, a player is sitting in a peace zone for ane xtended peroid, a player is participating in siege or raid.
Vitality points are transferred to subclasses when a character change occurs.
First of all, these skills that you`ll obtain via leveling subclasses are usable only for the main class. There are lots of options so chosing the right configuration for your class is more complicated and implies a more complex thinking.
Learning Abilities:
It was mentioned before:
- Subclass lvl 65: Main class can obtain a passive that increase... Read on...
Latest adition in Chaotic Throne are the so called race/class circlets.
Race circlets are sold by fortresses, costs aproximativly 1000 knight`s epaulettes
Class Circlets can be purchased from Olimpiad Manager and they cost some 12000 Nobless Gate Passes each. They will be adding skills to the class circlets in the near future. Click on the link below to see pictures with all the race circlets on all the races and class circlets on all the classes.
Read on...
An interesting change had come to the way subclasses now feature a skill tree.
When your subclass is level 75 depending on what arch type it is you will only be able to pick class skills based on that archtype. Eg. If you level a Titan to 75 when you talk to the npc and you "redeem" your subclass for the new bonuses you can only pick from Warrior Passive and trigger skills.
The once halted Lineage 3 project has started to roll again.
NC Soft representative Kim said, "It is true, I was shocked when we had to stop the development of Lineage 3 in May"
"However, we are going to start all over on January, 2008. We are going to put all of our online gaming technology we've earned through the past ten years into this project." He then stated, they will NOT be using the Unreal 3 Engine, but creating their own. The Lineage 3 Project will begin next year January 1st, and will be announced to the public in 2011.
Starting with Lineage 2 Chaotic Throne: The Kamael characters are able to undergo transformations. Transformations change 3 things at your character. Here you can read about all the transformation options of your character, the skills you gain by transforming into various forms, and their usefullness.Read on...
Lineage2 The Kamael Plus: Kamael Plus Weapons / Icarus Class
We just found some very usefull info and pictures about the
newest top grade end level class weapons, called Icarus and
the stats are not that impressive, overall. See for yourself.
Here is a picture with all the ancient swords of Lineage 2: The Chaotic Throne 1 The Kamael.
Just click on the image to zoom in on it. The
weapons names are translated from korean, so
the accuracy of the translation is in doubt, but
it`s as close as it gets. Enjoy!
This is a list with All the Weapons Conversions from regular weapons to kamael weapons. It`s a huge list.
All kamael SAs work exactly the same as regular weapon SAs with the exception of cheap shot on bows/crowsbows... Read on...
The newest gameplay video of the latest addition of Lineage 2 The Chaotic Throne: The Kamael Plus is pretty imprresive, it shows ingame footage of the new pets, you`ll see toons riding on huge wolves as they
charge the new hunting zones and raids of the Kamael Plus, amongst
many other things. Click here to watch.
There are 4 types of nude patch for Lineage 2, Chronciles 2, 3,4, 5, Interlude and even CT1: The Kamael. Every nude patch has it`s own instructions. Very easy to install and working 100%. Read on...
This article contains all the info sorted in one place about the Kamael Update, you will find every usefull information about it.
Read about the Interface, Character Changes, Transformations, Attributes , Items, Levelling Spots, Instances, Epic Jewellery, Fortresses, Pets, Skills, Instanced Dungeons, how to enter, find Beleth, siege the fortresses and get to know what bonuses the dynasty armors give your class, and much much more...
Lineage2 The Chaotic Throne The Kamael: S80 Dynasty Armor Set Bonuses and Cost
Heavy Set Armor - def 214/220, aa - 6982650
Pants - def 134/138 aa- 4364175
Helmet - def 81/83, aa - 2618475
Gloves - def 53/55 aa - 1745625
Boots - def 53/55 aa - 1745625
Shield - def 310, aa- 1832925
Set Effect (Without shoulder pads): DEX -1, STR +1, pdef+5%, HP+393, increase def to dark base attacks, when using a shield, increases def to bleed, poison
Total AA required (without shield): 17456550 Total AA required (with shield): 19289484
Set Bonus(without shoulder pad)
INT-1, MEN+1, Casting speed +5%, HP+257, increase def to dark attacks Total AA required 14619825
Lineage2 The Chaotic Throne The Kamael: S80 Shoulder SET Bonuses
HEAVY Dex-1, Str+1, physical defensive strength +5%, the maximum HP +393 effect. Dark introspection increase
Dex-2, Str+2, physical defensive strength +5%, the maximum HP +492 effect. Dark introspection increase, su the defense ratio increase which it shakes off, su khil MP consuming decrease
Dex-1, Con-1, Str+2, physical attack power +5%, the maximum HP +492 effect. Dark introspection increase. khu li Mote khel place unknown and probability increase.
Dex-1, Con-1, Str+2, physical attack power +5%, the maximum HP +492 effect. khu li The mote khel poem phase it raises with dark introspection increase and schedule probability, active su khil consuming MP decrease
Dex-2, Str+2, physical defensive strength +5%, the maximum HP +492 effect. Dark introspection increase, Song and dance su khil use hour MP consuming decrease and attack power increase
Con-1, Dex+1, hit +1.5, evasion +1.5, maximum HP +393 effect. Dark introspection increase
Con-2, Dex+1, Str+1, hit +4.3, maximum HP +492 effect. Dark introspection increase, hall tu with introspection increase and schedule probability khu li mote khel hour HP recovery
Con-2, Dex+1, Str+1, evasion +4.3, maximum HP +492 effect. Dark introspection increase, su introspection increase and the active which it shakes off su khil use hour MP consuming decrease
Int-1, speed +5% before Men+1, magical hour, the maximum MP +257 effect. Dark introspection increase
Int-1, speed +7% before Men-1, Wit+2, magical hour, the maximum MP +321 effect. Dark introspection increase, hall tu attack probability increase, hil quantity increase
Int-1, speed +7% before Wit-1, Men+2, magical hour, the maximum MP +321 effect. Dark introspection increase, sleep attack probability increase and MP recovery rate increase
Int-1, Wit -1, Men+2, magical attack power +7%, the maximum MP +321 effect. Dark introspection increase, su the introspection increase which it shakes off and magical attack hour place unknown increase
Int-1, Men-1, Wit+2, magical attack power +7%, the maximum MP +321 effect. Dark introspection increase, su the introspection increase which it shakes off and MP recovery quantity increase
Lineage2 The Chaotic Throne The Kamael: All Weapons Pictures on all Races
You can see all the weapons on all races, with stats, in the picture below. Attention: the picture is at Ultra High Quality.
Just ZOOM IN to see crystal clear the stats or every othe detail.
Attention: The picture above is at Ultra High Quality (3MB)
Lineage2 The Chaotic Throne The Kamael: Hairstyles / Faces Types
An exclusive high resolution image compilation with the faces and
hairstyle type of the winged creatures, The Kamael.
Attention: The picture above is at Ultra High Quality (1MB)
Lineage2 The Chaotic Throne The Kamael: Dynasty Armor Textures
As you can see, we made a compilation of Dynasty Armor Heavy on two races (humans and orcs) to see the looks of it, each with it`s own shoulderpad. Click on each image to ZOOM IN.
Dynasty Armor Heavy on Human Male
Dynasty Armor Heavy on Human Female
Dynasty Armor Heavy on Orc Male
copyright 2008 Lineage2Media Group all rights reserved.
Lineage 2 logo and characters are property of NCSOFT company