Kamael Plus Weapons & Armors Wondering how to get your hands
on one of these end game sets?
We got the list of every Weapon
and Class with full statistics info: Icarus Weapons, Rapiers, Ancient Weapons, Bow-Guns,Dynasty Weapons and Armor, Dynasty Jewelry set bonuses and much
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This Movie, entitled: Lineage 2: GLory Of Blood Alliance, was made by the korean team of lineage 2, you can see the new lindvior white armor with blue and many other details, is pretty entertaining, especially for the fans of Lineage 2.
Below you can watch Gracia Part 3 Final video trailers about: The New Continent, Airships, New Weapons, Armors & Capes, Territorial Wars, New Skills, Air Combat & Dragons , New Epic Boss, New Mobs, The New Paid Content System, Fantasy Island novelties, Mage shields
All Lineage 2 OLD Movies in High Definition
720 i x resolution, perfectly clear images
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All the video trailers below are in the best quality you can have them.
At resolutions of 720X the images in the videos look perfectly clear,
you can find the oldest video ever made and the newest to, featuring
Kamael Plus Gameplay. See the list below:
Lineage 2 Gracia 3 Final Gracia 3 - GAMEPLAY MOVIE Air Ships, Dragon Fights, Raids, and the list could continue for a lot more. Don`t miss this great trailer of the upcoming final chapter of the Gracia Trilogy update of Lineage 2. HIGH DEFINITION Download Watch
Lineage 2 The Chaotic Throne 1: The Kamael Plus - GAMEPLAY MOVIE Featuring the new territories, lands, the newest Bosses, transformations, the new wolf pet that can be ridden and much more. HIGH DEFINITION Download Watch
Lineage 2 The Chaotic Throne 1: The Kamael Plus - CG MOVIE This Computer Generated Movie shows the fight between the Kamael and the newest raid boss. It`s pretty impressive. Also,come in High Defition for your eyes delight. Download Watch
Lineage 2 The Chaotic Throne 1: The Kamael Plus - CG MOVIE A nice gameplay movie of the upcoming Kamael Plus. It shows many new additions, pets and so on. Worth a look. High Definition Quality. Download Watch
Lineage 2 The Chaotic Throne Preview of the First Chaotic Throne A rather short, but interesting preview of the upcoming Chaotic Throne 1. HIGH DEFINITION. Download Watch
Lineage 2 The Chaotic Throne Interlude Gameplay Preview A rather interesting gameplay preview of Interlude, new siege golems, a better game engine, weapon augments, and much more. HIGH DEFINITION. Download Watch
Lineage 2 The Chaotic Throne Preview of Interlude A rather short, but interesting preview of the upcoming Chaotic Throne.. HIGH DEFINITION. Download Watch
Lineage 2 The Chaotic Throne A Nice CG Movie A rather short, but interesting preview of the upcoming Chaotic Throne.. HIGH DEFINITION. Download Watch
Lineage 2 The Chaotic Chronicle 5 Beautifull Fight This video shows the fight between two oposite races in Lineage2: a female elf and a dark elf. It`s an outstanding trailer. HIGH DEFINITION. Download Watch
Lineage 2 The Chaotic Chronicle 4 C4 Computer Generated Spot It`s a Gorgeos Video featuring a Female Sword Singer In Imperial Crusader Heavy Set, fighting in the end with Halisha. Impressive, and definitly a movie in wich the elve is beautifully animated. HIGH DEFINITION.
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Lineage 2 The Chaotic Chronicle Comic Style Animation - Nice Story This video is something different. IT`s actually a cute Lineage introduction story, but . HIGH DEFINITION.
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Lineage 2 The Chaotic Chronicle C4 GamePlay Movie An awsome presentation of the Chronicle 4, stryders, a nice wedding, some drama, a storyline created with the game engine, it s pretty cool alltogether. HIGH DEFINITION. Download Watch
Lineage 2 The Chaotic Chronicle C4 E3 Presentation Love It This is probably my favourite Lineage 2 Movie Ever. It`s about the love story of an elven female swordsinger and a human warrior, in the movie you`ll see her riding a wyvern and even the beggining of the siege of Aden. Wonderfull. HIGH DEFINITION. Download Watch
Lineage 2 The Chaotic Chronicle C3 GamePlay Movie A grea gameplay movie presenting the new additions of Chronicle 3, catacombs, the seven signs, lilith, anakim fight, dark and light confrontation. Nice, alltogether. HIGH DEFINITION. DownloadWatch
Lineage 2 The Chaotic Chronicle C2 Gameplay Preview Eva`s Garden, sieges, Coliseum, the Age of Splendor is the second Chronicle in this incredible MMORPG called Lineage 2. Beautifull. HIGH DEFINITION. DownloadWatch
Lineage 2 The Chaotic Chronicle 2004 E3 CG Movie : Chronicle 1 Probably the first Lineage CGI Movie that was a testament of it`s beauty and made a lot of people reconsider playing it. Shilen, the daughter of Gran Kain is one of the protagonists in this video. Awsome. HIGH DEFINITION. DownloadWatch
Lineage 2 The Chaotic Chronicle Chronicle 2 Presentation - Gameplay A nice little presentation of the second Chronicle, the Age of Splendors. HIGH DEFINITION. DownloadWatch
Lineage 2 The Chaotic Chronicle Chronicle 1 Presentation - Gameplay ANtharas, THe Land Dragon, probably one of the most impressive epic bosses of Lineage 2, makes a debute in this gameplay movie. HIGH DEFINITION. DownloadWatch
Lineage 2 Prelude Prelude Presentation - Gameplay The early stages of Lineage 2 , Prelude, it`s really not much to see, alltho Lineage 2 offered a freedom that no other mmorpg did at that time, a world of tales, beauty and endless possibilities.Orfen is present. HIGH DEFINITION. DownloadWatch
Lineage 2 Prelude Prelude Trailer A rather short little trailer, a human warrior female is battling with a wyvern chained to a mountain, and a pre-siege kind of event going on. HIGH DEFINITION. DownloadWatch
Lineage 2 Tower of Insolence C2 Tower of Insolence Trailer A really cool trailer presenting the Tower of Insolence, and the impressive cursed lord of it, BAIUM, another epic Lineage 2 raid monster. Awsome. HIGH DEFINITION. DownloadWatch
Lineage 2 Prelude Gameplay Siege and Castles Preview A little trailer featuring a siege in Prelude, old textures and game engines of an early stage of game development. HIGH DEFINITION. DownloadWatch
Lineage 2 Prelude CGI Lineage 2 Trailer The first early Lineage 2 trailer, Computer generated graphics. HIGH DEFINITION. DownloadWatch
Low Quality Streaming Videos
Lineage 2 The Kamael PLUS + Video Gameplay Movie Trailer - Kamael PLUS
This is probably the most impressive in-game trailer of the newest
update of Lineage 2, called Kamael PLUS. Very inspired name...
Lineage 2 The Kamael PLUS + Video Computer Generated Kamael Raid Boss Battle
Extremly nice CG video from NCSoft, but much too short, as usual ...
Lineage 2 The Kamael A General Look and Overview Presentation
A very nice presentation of the new winged race, places to visit and
monsters to beat in the Chaotic Throne 1.
Lineage 2 The Kamael Video Presentation of The Kamael Overview
A presentation of the Kamael, sadly it `s in japanese, but who cares. The images from the gameplay are superb.
Lineage 2 The Kamael Video Interview, Wolf, Skilss, In-Game Combat Video
Don`t miss this funny little trailer.
Lineage 2 The Kamael Video New Pets Video
Yes, there are new pets for all you freaks to love and cuddle.
Lineage 2 The Kamael Video New Territories
Don`t miss this video. The new territories of the latest addition of Lineage2
are presented. Pretty impressive...
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