Lineage 2
Lineage 2 Ertheia Strangers Chronicle
Info , Changes, Video and Teasers

Lineage 2 Ertheia Race
After 7 years since the Kamaels were introduced to Lineage 2, now in 2013 a new race was introduced the Ertheia.
They are Half Elves and Half Orcs, in game you can only chose Female Characters for now at least, wich are reminiscent of melee orc fighters but also haveing some impressive attack magic.
Also 2 new stats have been introduced , Luck And Charm wich will influence aspects of the game in a different manner then before
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Lineage 2 Gracia Final
Choose a town to sign up for. The clan leader can sign up so the entire clan takes part or you can sign up individually. The clan leader or individual simply must talk to the Mercenary Captain NPC (next to the manor wagon) in the town associated with the territory.
How to Sign Up
Click on the Mercenary Captain NPC
Click on Territory Battle Information
Click the button "Merc. Request" if you sign up as an individual or the button "Clan request" if you are a clan leader signing up your entire clan. To avoid politics, our cu

Belt System - Pins and Pouches
Lineage 2 Gracia Final
The new belt System allows you to expend your additional inventory and to have a bigger weight limit.
In the image on the right you can find detailed info about these upgrades that pins and pouches allow.
When you open a Supply Chest by double-clicking, you will obtain at random either one of the two items, for example either a B-Grade Belt or a C-Grade Belt, or nothing at all. Once you have a Belt and a Pin or a Pouch, you have to go to Rune or Aden and talk to a Weaver...

Complete Active Skill Over Enchant List Lineage 2 Gracia Final (magic skills included)
The list of skills gained the following additional enchant options:+Add Fire, +Add Earth, +Add Water, +Add Wind, +Add PVP
Triple Slash
Double Sonic Slash
Triple Sonic Slash
Sonic Blaster
Sonic Buster

S84 Vesper Armor Set Bonuses and
Noble S84 Vesper Armor Set Bonuses
Lineage 2 Gracia Final
These are the stats of the S84 armor sets. There are only small differences between the normal and noble sets, besides the ability to wear the cape. Below, you will see both of the s84 vesper set types bonuses and armor stas.
S84 Vesper Heavy Set
Vespe Breastplate S84
Upper Body
P.Def.: 250
Weight: 7520

CT 2 Final Gracia Skills List and Changes
Lineage 2
Skill Learn requirement changes
The following lvl 80- skills
-Skills/Spells that require you to learn from a skill trainer will not not require a spell/skill book
-Skills that you learn straight from a book (e.g. combo buffs) will remain the same
Level 81+ skills
All Unique skills is now obtainable only from the new Olympiad Store using Olympiad Coins...

A History of Hellbound
Lineage 2 Chaotic Throne 1 Hellbound
After Beleth had, presumably with some help from his followers, escaped from the dungeon under the Ivory Tower, he made his way to what is now known as "Hellbound Island". His problem was that this place was not empty. Although the whole island is permeated with an evil force - which is why Beleth was attracted to it in the first place - it had an autochthonous population with quite a high level of culture and civilisation. So he first of all killed Hannibal, a soothsayer and seer who was, via her third eye, able to communicate directly with the gods and enjoyed a very high respect among the natives. Bereft of their spiritual leadership, the local people soon fell for his promises of wealth and power.
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S84 Armor Sets with pictures and translated Statistics
- Lineage 2 Gracia 3
(verper armor sets)
With Gracia Final, S84 armors, wich can be normal or "noble" kind, were introduced to Lineage 2. Enjoy these brand new Screenshots Gallery and read about the first translated armor stats and bonuses they give. The second kind, permits Capes to be weared. Seams the design team of Lineage 2 chose detail over originilaty, since the armors give a feeling of a chaotic design and take a different approach that the original S Grades clean cut and "story" behind the armor gave.
Personal Reputation Points & PVP Bonus
Lineage 2 Gracia
Any Character level 40 and above with a finished 2nd class change can aquire Personal Reputation Points. Those can be obtained through Fortress Sieges, Castle Sieges, Clan Hall Battles, the Underground Arena on Fantasy Island, winning the Festival of Darkness and Noblesse Gate Passes from the Olympiad. These Personal Fame Points can be used to enhance Armor and Weapons with a special PVP Bonus.

Subclass Passive Skills From Main Class
and level 81++ skills
See the list of all the passive subclass skills that can be aquired and the NEW lvl 81+++ skills for all classes
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Hellbound: Increasing Caravan
Relation Level - S80 Recipes & Parts
The main purpose on increasing the relation level with the caravan traders on Hellbound is to get access to S80 armor recipes and key materials.
All of the needed items are aquired by hunting mobs on Hellbound. Collect Darion Badges and Ancient Tome of the Demon. Ancient Tome of the Demon cam be opened by double-clicking them ...
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Isle of Prayer: S80 Recipes & Parts
Recipes and Parts for S80 Dynasty Armor can betraded in at Blacksmith Lahm inside the Emerald Square instance. He accepts colored Seed of Evil Shards, wich can be obtained by killing mobs on the Isle of Prayer and killing the Raid Bosses inside the Crystal Cavern instances (Darnel - Emerald Square, Kechi - Fire Corridor, Tears - Coral Garden).
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Fortresses: Basic Informations, Sieges, Residence Skills & Benefits
A fortress is a small residential clan area, similar to a clan hall. It can be acquired by winning a fortress siege. Depending on their location, fortresses are either border or territory fortresses, large or small.
One or two fortresses are located in each territory. Each fortress can choose to be politically involved with, or independent from, the castle(s) in that territory.
Each fortress on the map has a colored flag next to it. A blue flag denotes a territory fortress, and a red flag denotes a border fortress.
General fortress information can be accessed by clicking....
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Improved Pets
and Wolfs / Great Wolf / Fenrir
As part of the Lineage 2 Hellbound expansion the whole pet system got a major overhauling. Once a baby pet reaches level 55 it can be turned into an improved pet by speaking to one of the Pet Manager NPCs in various towns.
Update: With Gracia 2.2 the pet buffs got adjusted once more. Therefor the list below now reflects the Gracia 2.2 settings.
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with pictures - skills - required items
Read all about Transformations. You can read about where and how to get ALL THE TRANSFORMATIONS , with the required items, where you can get them, what skills these transformations will give you once you are transformed, and much more...
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Quest Drop Rates and Rewards in Lineage 2
The most rewarding quests drop rate
Legacy of Insolence, Supplier of reagents, Exploration of Giant Cave, Whisper of Dreams quest (LOA quest for robe stuff), Alliance with Ketra Orcs/War with Varka Silenos, Relics of the Old Empire
Find out the quest item drop rate of quest mobs and the quest rewards, of the most rewarding quests in Lineage 2.
Legacy of Insolence drop rates / chances
Corrupt Sage 30%
Erin Ediunce 40%
Hallate's Inspector 46%
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Buffs and Debuffs Effect in Lineage 2
DOA (Damage Over Time) and HOA (Healing Over Time)
Ever wondered what is the effect of those end game buffs in Lineage 2, so poorly described? What`s the amount of heal of vampiric chant, or the effects of chant of victory or magnus? You can find a complete list of all the buffs and debuffs, and also the DOA (DamageOver Time) and HOA (Heal Over TIme) stats and so much more...
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Conquer the Emerald Field
Requirement: After finishing "House of Darkness" and recieved "contaminated crystal"
Reward: Blue crystal (required item to enter Balor)
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Lineage 2 History with Preview Sites
Since The Fourth Add-on of Lineage 2 , Chronicle 4, NcSoft started to make promotional state of the art web-sites, in order to promote the upcoming add-on, and to make the changes more accesable to everybody. Since then, alot of time has passed, and these sites were long forgotten. Here you can find a list, in chronoligal order of every chronicle starting with the fourth and ending with Gracia Part 3, associated with the corresponding links the the Preview Websites of each Chronicle.
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Fortress And Castle Skills List
Here is a list with passive skills that are given by fortresses and castles
Skill Descriptions
Residence Agility: Increases the Evasion of all members of a clan in control of a property.
Residence Body: Increases Max. HP of all members of a clan in control of a property. (+5%)
Residence Clarity: Increases MP recovery rate of all members of a clan in control of a property.
Residence Death Fortune: Decreases ...
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TERMS most used in Lineage 2 (Abbreviations)
CHAR: "Playable Character", the character that you have created.
NPC: "Non Playable Character", all the characters that you will meet in towns or other zones and are controlled by the server, not a player.
PvP: Player versus Player, a combat between chars
PK: Player Killer, character that have killed another char without give it chance to defend himself.
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Gracia 2.2 Patch Notes
Lineage 2 NCSoft Payed Content
Paid Contents are certain items and a few character services like:
Cat Hat, Skull Cap, mountable Horse, a new flying pet, 3 new supporting pets (Fighter, Healer, Supporter), ingame Spectator mode (prolly only gonne be used in asian inet-cafes), teleportation to special locations, colored character names, blessed resurrection.
Changes to the Instance Dungeons
Instant Dungeon 1 - Kamaloka
- Registration to enter the instance is once per day.
- Registration period resets daily at 6:30am server (not ingame) time.
- max players per party changed to 2-9 players.
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How To Add Hero Weapon GLow
To Normal Weapons Easily in Lineage 2
In this tutorial, you will learn how to modify you client, so that any normal weapon in Lineage 2 that you desire will have an awsome hero weapon glow.
It`s easier then it sounds, so don`t get scarred. All that you will actually do, is copy paste some stuff and modify some values.
If by any reason this tutorial seams hard, watch the VIDEO TUTORIAL at the end of the article. But i strongly advice you to read it carefully the guide, it`s much better.
Allthogh it seams complicated, it really is easy. All you have to do is change the value -1 to 1 (on the is_hero column, situated right after the effects column for exemple > -1 0 LineageEffect.e_u092_a CHANGED)NGEDand replace the desired hero effect that will be displayed in game on the weapon, AND THAT`s IT....
How to do this, step by step? well, Read on...

Modify Glow Effects in Lineage 2 Easy
Enchant and Augmentation Colors and Effects Modifications Tutorial - Lineage 2
This Lineage 2 modification tutorial will teach you How to modify enchant glow color and effects on your weapons in a couple of minutes.
This guide will teach you how to modify your weapons glow color, effects, colors intensity and so on. Even if your weapons is only at +4 you can assign for it a red glow for example, or even pink no matter the enchant you have on it. You don`t even have to enchant your weapon to have any glow color and effect your heart desires. It`s all up to you. You can change the augmentations glow color too, the effects and the intensity of light, as you wish. Read on...

Lineage 2 Gracia + Aden Map
Includin Locations Names on Map
Click the map to enlarge it. |
The Second THrone, "Gracia" will introduce the long awaited continent, Gracia, wich was in war with Aden a long time ago.
From a geographical point of view, you can see by clicking on the map on the right, that this continent it`s huge.
From the login screens, we can see floating ships, cities and many incredibile things that are promised to us. You can read more in our news section about Gracia. C

How to defeat Beleth
Guide including Video
Since the introduction of the high-level grounds called Hellbound in The Kamael, adventurers have been seeking a way into the deadly Steel Citadel and battle the epic boss Beleth himself. Now with the new update they have the chance they've been waiting for. After earning an extremely high level of trust from the Hellbound natives, adventurers will soon learn from them how to gain access into the Steel Citadel and the riches within-if they dare. In fact, players should..
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Transformations Guides
Lineage 2 CT1 Kamael / Hellbound
This Walkthrough will teach you what to do in order to achieve your first transformation. ALso, some videos are included. Allthough the transformations look awsome (most of them) their use in combat is not as effective as one might thing, alltho in certain situations it`s not bad neither. The first transformation you`ll get is the Onyx Beast, wich has 2 skills, one increases your speed greatly, and the other is a special damage dealing attack, of decent power. In Hellbound there were introduced new transformations. There are videos included with all transformations, also at the Articles section you can read about every transformation and skills detailed. Read on...

Complete Overview of
Lineage 2 Chaotic Throne 1: The Kamael
This article contains all the info sorted in one place about the Kamael Update, you will find every usefull information about it.
Read about the Interface, Character Changes, Transformations, Attributes , Items, Levelling Spots, Instances, Epic Jewellery, Fortresses, Pets, Skills, Instanced Dungeons, how to enter, find Beleth, siege the fortresses and get to know what bonuses the dynasty armors give your class, and much much more...
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Subclass Skills for the Main Class in
Chaotic Throne 1: The Kamael Plus
First of all, these skills that you`ll obtain via leveling subclasses are usable only for the main class. There are lots of options so chosing the right configuration for your class is more complicated and implies a more complex thinking.
Learning Abilities:
It was mentioned before:
- Subclass lvl 65: Main class can obtain a passive that increase...
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Race and Class Circlets
Lineage 2 The Chaotic Throne
Latest adition in Chaotic Throne are the so called race/class circlets.
Race circlets are sold by fortresses, costs aproximativly 1000 knight`s epaulettes
Class Circlets can be purchased from Olimpiad Manager and they cost some 12000 Nobless Gate Passes each. They will be adding skills to the class circlets in the near future. Click on the link below to see pictures with all the race circlets on all the races and class circlets on all the classes.
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See all images with all RACES and CLASS Circlets. Click here.

Level 81 Skills
Lineage 2 CT1: The Kamael Plus
The final list with all the official Level 81 Skills of the Kamael Plus.
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Subclass Skill Tree
Lineage 2 The Chaotic Throne
An interesting change had come to the way subclasses now feature a skill tree.
When your subclass is level 75 depending on what arch type it is you will only be able to pick class skills based on that archtype. Eg. If you level a Titan to 75 when you talk to the npc and you "redeem" your subclass for the new bonuses you can only pick from Warrior Passive and trigger skills.
Warrior: Duelist, Grand Khavatari, Dreadnought, Fortune Seeker, Maestro, Titan, Soul Breaker, Berserker
Rogue: Moonlight/Ghost Sentinel, Sagittarius, Wind/Ghost Rider, Adventurer, Arbelestor
Knight: Phoenix Knight, Hell Knight....
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S80 Accesories (Dynasty Jewels)
Lineage 2 Chaotic Throne 1: The Kamael
Similar to the S80 Armor/Weapons, kill mobs in the new huntinggrounds to get the recipe in order to make it
BOSS drop - when a boss does drop these accessories, these accessories will contain special defence effects
Normal S80 Accessories
Necklace: mdef 108/120, After unseal MP+46, AA-13176625
Earrings: mdef 79/90, After unseal...
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Dynasty Armor Sets Bonuses with and without shoulder pads
Lineage 2 Chaotic Throne 1: The Kamael
Generic Unsealed Set Bonuses:
Without Shoulder Pads
Con-1, Str+1, P. Def +4.6%, MaxHP +418. Darkness Resistance +6
With Shield: Increases probability of Poison and Bleed Prevention
Con-1, Dex+1, Accuracy +1.72, Evasion +1.72, MaxHP +418. Darkness Resistance +6
Int-1, Men+1, Casting Spd...

New Enchant Options in Chaotic Throne1
Skill Enchants for the Kamael and all the other Skills with additional
enchant options
A huge list with the skill new skill enchants featured in the Chaotic THrone 1: The Kamael. Read on...

Lineage2 The Kamael:
Starting with Lineage 2 Chaotic Throne: The Kamael characters are able to undergo transformations. Transformations change 3 things at your character. Here you can read about all the transformation options of your character, the skills you gain by transforming into various forms, and their usefullness. Read on...

Lineage2 The Kamael:
Regular Weapons Conversions and SA List
This is a list with All the Weapons Conversions from regular weapons to kamael weapons. It`s a huge list.
All kamael SAs work exactly the same as regular weapon SAs with the exception of cheap shot on bows/crowsbows...
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Bibliography: www.wikipedia.org
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