Guides and
The Chasm of Dreams Guide (video included)
Lineage 2 Gracia Plus
A new instanced dungeon, called "Chasm of Dreams", will be introduced in Gracia Plus. Basically it could be called an upgraded version of the Dimensional Rift dungeons, with the same atmosphere and style of artwork.
Access, however is much easier in the new dungeon, where Dimensional Fragments are no longer necessary for entering. Just talk to the Pathfinder Worker in any town - he will teleport you directly to the Chasm of Dreams.
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Hellbound Quick Walkthrough
In order to talk with the different NPCs on Hellbound you will need to earn trust points and Caravan Certificates. There are 3 kinds of Caravan Certificates you can earn on Hellbound. If you do not have the proper certificate, or don't have the proper trust level the NPCs will tell you that you are not trustworthy enough to talk with them.
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Seed of Destruction Walkhtrough
Gracia 2.3 - Videos Included
Raid Boss Tiat
The Seed of Destruction is a hunting ground theoretically designed for players of level 75 and above. Players who intend to take control of the Seed and defeat Tiat, the Commander in Chief of the Dragon Horse army, should not be under level 82, however. The dungeon is accessible twice a week (it is reset every Wednesday and Saturday at 6:30 am) for groups of at least 36 and at most 45 players linked by Command Channel.
Depending on whether the Seed of Destruction is held by the Dragon People or by the...
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Darion and the Tower of Naia (Hellbound)
Complete Walkthrough
To get into the upper levels of the Steel Citedal, you have to do a 10 floor tower quest taking anywhere from 6 hours all the way up to 11 hours.
Once there, you have access to a few different raid bosses. To progress you need to do a number of certain quests. To get into the 2nd tower, Naia, you need to defeat Darion as seen below.
Once there, the Tower of Naia has 20 different rooms.
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Capturing Fortresses Video Walkthrough
Lineage 2 Hellbound / Gracia
This is a video involving the capturing of a fortress, in Lineage 2. A fortress is a small residential clan area, similar to a clan hall. It can be acquired by winning a fortress siege. Depending on their location, fortresses are either border or territory fortresses, large or small.
One or two fortresses are located in each territory. Each fortress can choose to be politically involved with, or independent from, the castle(s) in that territory.
Each fortress on the map has a colored flag next to it. A blue flag denotes a territory fortress, and a red flag denotes
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Transformations, Airships, Gathering, Hunting Grounds Gracia 2.3
I. Aerial Transformations
How to transform:
Pick up the relevant quest from Engineer .....
II. Airship
1. Regular Airships
Players can use Shuttle Airships that travel between the continent of Aden and Gracia. The first and currently the only port to Gracia is the Gludio Airship Port.You must speak to Gatekeeper Roxxy on Talking Island to be teleported to this port (you won’t be able to swim t...
1. Gathering in the air
Players are able to collect materials like Energy Starstones while flying over Gracia. First they have to talk to Engineer Rekon at the base of the Chrysalis ...
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Battered Lands - Hellbound
Walkthrough S80 Weapons Craft
An important way to obtain S80 equipment is to exchange pages from the Ancient Tome of the Demon an item that the monsters in the western half of Hellbound occasionally dropagainst recipes and key materials. But for that a player needs a Premium Caravan Certificate.
When you talk to Caravan Merchant Hude at the Caravan Encampment, he will be asking you for 80 Life Forces and 20 Contained Life Forces to prove your friendship, at the same time already showing you the list of S80 items you will be able to trade with him for
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Hellbound Stages
Lineage 2 Guide
The so-called stages in which the players on a server gain the trust of the native Resistance Movement are per server, while the Caravan Certificates are per person, something like your alliance with the Ketra Orcs/Varka Silenos.
The NE/EU servers have already gone through all the stages and Hellbound is completely opened up.
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Dark Cloud Mansion Video Guide
Lineage 2 Hellbound Walkthrough
This is a video guide and walkthrough of the Dark Cloud Mansion Instance, required to be completed in order to advance further in the quest of getting acces to Hellbound itself. You can download it or stream it online, it has 6minutes with on screen display indications about the riddles and the required actions.
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Tower of Infinitum Wallkthrough
Hellbound CT 2.2
The Tower of Infinitum is divided into two parts. While the raid boss for the first part is Demon Prince, the raid boss for the second part is Ranku.
When hunting between the first and fourth (and also between sixth and ninth) floor, there is a chance of suddenly being moved down a floor or, with a somewhat lower probability, you may unexpectedly be teleported up a floor.
Players can determine the floor.....
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Base Tower Wallkthrough
Hellbound CT 2.2
1) The first floor of the Base Tower is composed of broad corridors and a labyrinth.
The first player who comes in contact with the lvl 85 Body Destroyer will receive a Death Sentence Curse - he or she will die within 30 seconds unless other players kill the Body Destroyer, who is good at close-distance single target physical attacks, in that time.
After finishing up the monsters in the Anteroom, players may obtain at random either a Gate Key: Destruction or a Gate Key: Darkness. With those Keys the respective doors at the two sides of the Anteroom can be opened and you gain access
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How to Obtain
Dynasty Armors and Weapons Guide
1. You need to be 78 level or more.
2. You go to Kanis and take "Bird in a cage" quest.
3. You need to go to Dark Cloud Mansion (DCM) (You need a praty of minimum 2 players)
4. After you finish DCM everyone from your party will obtain Contaminated Crystal
5. When you get the crystal you can go inside the Crystal Caverns (That include 3 instances - Steam Corridor, Emeral Square and Coral Garden).
6. In order to enter inside you need to talk with Oracle Guide. It is located in the water under Parnassus.
7. Coral Garden - Tears (83 level) (You must be 80-85 level In order to raid it)
Emeral Square/Steam Corridor - Kechi (82 Level...
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Bird In A Cage Quest Including Instances
Guide Coral Garden/Emeral Field/ Cristal Caverns
Quest To Acces Hellbound
Dark mansion guide (Video Trailer here)
First of all you need to take the quest. It’s called “Bird in the Cage”, you can take it only if you are 78 lvl or higher at NPC Kanis (X=43, Y=56.5).
The quest should be done in Crystal Caverns (it’s located in the center of the island, under the water where Parnassus is). In brief the quest is about killing 3 Raid Bosses and Baylor.
You can enter to the RB room only once a day, i.e. you can’t kill a RB and then go kill another one in 5 hours.

How to defeat Beleth
Guide including Video
Since the introduction of the high-level grounds called Hellbound in The Kamael, adventurers have been seeking a way into the deadly Steel Citadel and battle the epic boss Beleth himself. Now with the new update they have the chance they've been waiting for. After earning an extremely high level of trust from the Hellbound natives, adventurers will soon learn from them how to gain access into the Steel Citadel and the riches within-if they dare. In fact, players should..
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Instances - Raid Bosses Wallkthrough
Path To Hellbound
Raid Boss Tears (Water based), Raid Boss Kenchi (Fire based), Raid Boss Damael (Dark based), Raid Boss Baylor, Coral Garden, Emerald Garden, Steam Corridor
First of all you need to take the quest. It’s called “Bird in the Cage”, you can take it only if you are 78 lvl or higher at NPC Kanis (X=43, Y=56.5). The quest should be done in Crystal Caverns (it’s located in the center of the island, under the water where Parnassus is). In brief the quest is about killing 3 Raid Bosses and Baylor.
You can enter to the Raid boss room only once a day, i.e. you can’t kill a RB and then go kill another one in 5 hours. In order to enter...
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Dark Cloud Mansion Guide
Dark Mansion Is located on the small island (X=41, Y=53.7). The instance should be done only duo, multiple couples can enter at once.
A party leader (a party must consist of 2 members) must talk to the NPC, then port in the room. Kill 2 mobs and go further. Kill all the mobs along the perimeter of the square (4 corners with 2 mobs in each).
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Conquer the Emerald Field (Guide)
Requirement: After finishing "House of Darkness" and recieved "contaminated crystal"
Reward: Blue crystal (required item to enter Balor)
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Path To Hellbound Guide for
Lineage 2
CT Hellbound
Since the lauch of the First Chaotic Throne, there are two quest which are needed to do to be able to enter Hellbound are of Lineage 2.
Familiar with Gludio's Warpgate guarded by Jirone and Heine's Warpgate guarded by Galate? Well, thats the only two portals for Hellbound, you cannot go and swim directly to the island and climb up, Hellbound is surrounded by high and steep cliffs, which cannot be climbed.
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Instanced Dungeons Guide
The Instanced Dungeon system has been added. This system allows multiple parties to simultaneously enter different instances of an area for a certain period of time.
Dark Cloud Mansion pictured below
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Fortresses: Basic Informations, Sieges, Residence Skills & Benefits
A fortress is a small residential clan area, similar to a clan hall. It can be acquired by winning a fortress siege. Depending on their location, fortresses are either border or territory fortresses, large or small.
One or two fortresses are located in each territory. Each fortress can choose to be politically involved with, or independent from, the castle(s) in that territory.
Each fortress on the map has a colored flag next to it. A blue flag denotes a territory fortress, and a red flag denotes a border fortress.
General fortress information can be accessed by clicking on the World Info portion of the Map (Alt+M), located in the upper right hand corner of the win
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Soul Crystals Guide (Up To Level 14)
Get Special Ability For Weapons in Lineage 2
First of all, you got to have the quest Enhance Your Weapon taken from Grand Magister Jurek in Magic Guild, Giran to be able to raise soul crystals. He will give you a soul crystal.
Be sure to have only 1 soul crystal at you at the time, or you won`t be able to raise any.
This is the list of mobs and raid bosses that you can use to level up your crystals all the way up to level 14.
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Guide of Buffers
In order to begin To make a Complete Buffer Char, a Character with these requirements is necessary to be created:
If you create a fighter, you will need to be Elf or Dark Elf. If you create a mage, has to be Orc or Human (because we needed to have these 4 classes: Warcryer, SwordSinger, BladeDancer and Warlock).
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Third Class Occupation Change Quest from Warlord to Dreadnaught lvl 76 Start
This Guide will show you, step by step with description and pictures how to change your class from Warlord to Dreadnaught.
Before begining you need Ketra or Varka ally 2.
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Transformations Quest
Lineage 2 Hellbound / Kamael (Videos Included)
This Walkthrough will teach you what to do in order to achieve your first transformation. ALso, some videos are included. Allthough the transformations look awsome (most of them) their use in combat is not as effective as one might thing, alltho in certain situations it`s not bad neither. The first transformation you`ll get is the Onyx Beast, wich has 2 skills, one increases your speed greatly, and the other is a special damage dealing attack, of decent power. In Hellbound there were introduced new transformations. There are videos included with all transformations, also at the Articles section you can read about every transformation and skills detailed.
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Pagan Temple Walkthrough
How to enter, open doors and get reward
In this walkthrough you`ll learn HOW to enter Pagan`s Templehow to open it`s main door to the chapel, where to hunt and how to get your hands on some ews/eas/adena rewards while fighting. The Pagan Temple, a place of ultimate evil being that pull the strings behind our world of aden and elmore, who even do human (and elf, d. elf, dwarf and orc as well) sacrifices for Pagan in the name of Triol, is now available for brave warriors and wizards. In order to enter the temple you have to do 2 quests.
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Fishing Guide - Lineage 2
Great Way to Make a Buck
Fishing offers a different experience from combat and leveling up. Not only is fishing a great way to relax, you can also catch ingredients for item creation.
Fishing equipment and/or the Fishing skill can be acquired along with other newly added common skills from the Fisherman’s Guild Members dispatched at the grocery store or port of each town.
You will need a Fishing Rod and lures to go fishing. These items can be bought from the store or earned through quests. Fishing rods and Fishing Shots exist by grade (no grade, D, C, B, A, S) Read More...

Character Attributes/ Basic/Changing Stats and Dye Bonuses
Every race/class in Lineage 2 has basic attributes that diferenciate it from the other races, strenghts and weaknesses that get enhanced during the entire gameplay, and constitute the basic attribute of that race. These are the basics and also the defining attributes of every class, attribues like Strenght, Dexterity, Constitution, Wit, Int and so on, and their effects as your character evolves. There are 2 tables, one with BASIC STATS and another Huge One with the Changing Stats. Don`t miss it! It`s most usefull. Read More...

How to kill Zaken Guide - Lineage 2
Don`t miss out the figh!
Door opens 0.00 gametime, closes 0.12 game time. Small window for entry. Break parties before enterring door, this is because if you dont 50% will dc back to giran, move inside just far enough so everyone gets inside before door closes, do not proceed further. Zaken is aggro and you can aggro him from this position.
If you do, have one tank drag him deep into the ship and die, you can rez/brez him later. Next wait 1 hour realtime until 6am gametime then proceed deeper and find the pirate. Best to have a tank group with at least 3 tanks. Zaken randomly ports people who hit him about his ship usually into rooms filled with mobs. He also drains mp and hp.

Beginners Guide
Small Incursion in The World of Lineage 2
The backround fiction behind Lineage II is your typical Fantasy, three large kingdoms with ego problems and delusions of grandeur trip over their own feet to usurp power from one another. Gobs and gobs of internal strife complicate matters across the board, allowing the chance for all players to overthrow a few rulers and claim their own peice of the world.
You won't be throwing anyone over in Lineage without a decent character, and Lineage II has plenty of options in that department. Five differnt fantasy races are available: Humans (Ok so there not fantasy, who cares!), Orcs, Elves, Dark Elves, and Dwarves. Newbie classes consist of little more than your basic warrior/mage. But you'll be able to pick more focused occupations later on. Each race and class combination has plenty of hairstyles and equipment textures which means the chance to dress up, or in more perverted cases, dress down, a female dark elf to your hearts content.
