Lineage 2 Quests
Most Rewarding and Usefull Quests
Light Fragment
Lineage 2 Gracia 2.3 Quest
This one-time quest which can be picked up at level 75 starts with Soldier Orbyu in the back part of the Keucereus Alliance Base. This quest is a sequel to "The Enveloping Darkness". Be prepared to spend 2 or 3 weeks for collecting the quest items.
Soldier Orbyu needs to pass on the collected notes you have retrieved from Medival's Corpse to War Mage Artius for further analysis. You can find Artius when you you walk down the steps to the main platform where Admiral Keucereus is standing.
But the real expert on all things to do with the Seed of Destruction is Lelikia, a priest of Shilen who had surrendered during the Gracia War and is now hiding in the inner part of the Alliance Base. You should ask Lelikia about Tiat, the Sorceress of Darkness.Meeting Lelikia is not easy.
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The Enveloping Darkness
Lineage 2 Gracia 2.3 Quest
This one-time quest which can be picked up at level 75 starts with Soldier Orbyu in the back part of the Keucereus Alliance Base. It is a prerequisite for the quest that you have learned an Aerial Transformation, have done the quest "To the Seed of Destruction" and take part in a group of 36-45 players who do the Seed of Destruction instance.
Soldier Orbyu had been given by Admiral Keucereus the order to find somebody who would perform a mission for the Alliance. But since it is difficult to fulfill said task alone, he did not entrust many people with this mission. You are one of the chosen few in whom Orbyu has confidence.
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To the Seed of Destruction
CT 2.3 Quest
This one-time quest which can be picked up at level 75 starts with Admiral Keucereus who is standing in the back part of the Keucereus Alliance Base. Although it is possible to travel to the Seed of Destruction by Airship, it is a prerequisite for this quest that you have learned an Aerial Transformation.
Keucereus, the commander of the Alliance named after him, is recruiting adventurers for the fight against Shilen's followe
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How to Oppose Evil
Icarus Weapons Quest - Gracia 2.3
This quest which can be picked up at level 75 starts with General Dilios, who is standing on a side platform of the Keucereus Alliance Base.
Dilios is one of the most famous among the great generals at the base of the Keucereus Alliance. If you want to join the war of conquest he is waging against the Seed of Destruction and the Seed of Infinity, you must prove to him your strength and determination. The first step in doing this is to demonstrate your ability to fly. For this purpose go talk to Engineer Lekon and obtain from him a certificate that confirms your flying skills.
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CT 2 Gracia 3
Aerial Transformation Quest
"I Want To Fly"
Lineage 2 Chaotic Throne 2 Gracia Part 3
1) This one-time quest which can be picked up by characters of all races at level 75 starts with Engineer Rekon at the base of the Chrysalis Alliance. Rekon is the NPC marked in red near the fountain.
2) First pick the quest "I Want to Fly" (the middle one), then click on "Explain the choices" (the bottommost link). Rekon will tell you that Falcons do powerful damage and are much faster than Owls (if you consider 20% much). However, in close-range attacks....
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CT 2.3 Quest
Starstone Gathering Skill
Lineage 2 Chaotic Throne 2 Gracia Part 3
1) This one-time quest which can be picked up at level 75 starts with Engineer Rekon at the base of the Chrysalis Alliance. You must have completed the quest "I Want to Fly" and should already be standing in front of the bare-chested Dwarf near the fountain.
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Bird In A Cage Quest Including Instances
Guide Coral Garden/Emeral Field/ Cristal Caverns
Quest To Acces Hellbound
Dark mansion guide (Video Trailer here)
First of all you need to take the quest. It’s called “Bird in the Cage”, you can take it only if you are 78 lvl or higher at NPC Kanis (X=43, Y=56.5).
The quest should be done in Crystal Caverns (it’s located in the center of the island, under the water where Parnassus is). In brief the quest is about killing 3 Raid Bosses and Baylor.
You can enter to the RB room only once a day, i.e. you can’t kill a RB and then go kill another one in 5 hours.

Bird In A Cage
Quest To Acces Hellbound
This is the second quest of the two needed to acces Hellbound area of Lineage 2. The quest starts in Island Of Prayer regions with the That`s Bloody Hot Quest and requires this second quest to be complete and give acces to Hellbound. See the pictures for step by step guide.
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That's Bloody Hot
Quest To Acces Hellbound
This is the first quest of the two needed to acces Hellbound area of Lineage 2.
The quest starts in Island Of Prayer regions. See the pictures for step by step guide.
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Quest: Pailaka
The Pailaka quests is a series of 3 solo 1-time quests. Pailaka itself is some sort of parallel world, that can be entered at different locations.
General Rule for all 3 Pailaka: make sure to upgrade the Quest Weapon before killing the Final Boss. You don’t have to use the Quest Weapon to kill mobs nore the Bosses.
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Hellbound: Increasing Caravan
Relation Level - S80 Recipes & Parts
The main purpose on increasing the relation level with the caravan traders on Hellbound is to get access to S80 armor recipes and key materials.
All of the needed items are aquired by hunting mobs on Hellbound. Collect Darion Badges and Ancient Tome of the Demon. Ancient Tome of the Demon cam be opened by double-clicking them ...
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Isle of Prayer: S80 Recipes & Parts
Recipes and Parts for S80 Dynasty Armor can betraded in at Blacksmith Lahm inside the Emerald Square instance. He accepts colored Seed of Evil Shards, wich can be obtained by killing mobs on the Isle of Prayer and killing the Raid Bosses inside the Crystal Cavern instances (Darnel - Emerald Square, Kechi - Fire Corridor, Tears - Coral Garden).
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Quest Drop Rates and Rewards in Lineage 2
The most rewarding quests drop rate
Legacy of Insolence, Supplier of reagents, Exploration of Giant Cave, Whisper of Dreams quest (LOA quest for robe stuff), Alliance with Ketra Orcs/War with Varka Silenos, Relics of the Old Empire
Legacy of Insolence drop rates / chances
Corrupt Sage 30%
Erin Ediunce 40%
Hallate's Inspector 46%
Right-clicking this papyrus:
- Revelation of the Seals: Chapter of Descent 2%
- Revelation of the Seals: Chapter of Vengeance 8%
- Revelation of the Seals: Chapter of Awakening 8%
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Third Class Occupation Change Quest from Warlord to Dreadnaught lvl 76 Start
This Guide will show you, step by step with description and pictures how to change your class from Warlord to Dreadnaught.
Before begining you need Ketra or Varka ally 2.
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Transformations Quests
Lineage 2 CT1 Kamael / Hellbound
ThisQuest will show you what to do in order to achieve your first transformation. ALso, some videos are included. Allthough the transformations look awsome (most of them) their use in combat is not as effective as one might thing, alltho in certain situations it`s not bad neither. The first transformation you`ll get is the Onyx Beast, wich has 2 skills, one increases your speed greatly, and the other is a special damage dealing attack, of decent power. In Hellbound there were introduced new transformations. There are videos included with all transformations, also at the Articles section you can read about every transformation and skills detailed. Read on...

Seekers of the Holy Grail
Reward: EWS, EAS or Adena, Random
Speak with High Priest Innocentin in Rune Castle, Mystic Guild, bottom floor. ALl you have to do is...
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Through The Gate Once More
Permits door opening inside Pagan Temple
Now speak again with Flauron.
* NOTE: If you have been to Pagan`s Temple Allready and Spoke with the big statue, you have the faded mask. Give him the faded mask. If not, no problem, just read on.
He is a bit stubborn so you have to argue with him a bit. Finally he agrees to make a deal...
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Truth Beyond the Gate
Permits Entrance to Pagan`s Temple
FIrst of all, you need to go to Rune Castle Town, and inside the lower level mystic Guild talk to Priest Eliyah.
He tells you to go see Priest Flauron in Rune Townshop. He is located in the upper area of Rune. Just near the entrance of the lower level temple is a way that leeds to the upper level.
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Guardians of the Holy Grail
Monastery of Silence, reward EWS, EAS
A really easy quest to get EWS and EAS by killing the Brothers in
the Monastery of Silence, wich is a great spot to XP by itself.
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